How to Freeze Cherries in 4 Easy Steps

How to Freeze Cherries in 4 Easy Steps

A handful of frozen cherries on a warm summer day is the perfect treat. Add them to a smoothie or throw them in a bowl with frozen blueberries for a low-calorie alternative to sorbet or popsicles. One cup of pitted cherries is only 77 calories! 

How to Freeze Blueberries

How to Freeze Blueberries

Blueberries are one of my go-to fruits, and when they’re on sale I buy packs at a time. They’re great for a snack (85 calories per one cup serving), and make oatmeal and greek yogurt more interesting! But when I buy berries in bulk, they 

Can you freeze garlic? (Fresh Cloves, Peeled, or Minced)

Can you freeze garlic? (Fresh Cloves, Peeled, or Minced)

If you have a Costco-sized garlic bag at home and need better ways to store it, then freezing garlic may be the answer! Now I know what you’re thinking, does freezing garlic ruin it? Not even a little. Garlic freezes very well and there are 

How to Separate Eggs (4 Easy Methods)

How to Separate Eggs (4 Easy Methods)

Did you know there are multiple ways to separate egg yolks from their whites? You could simply use nothing but your hands if you wanted. But there are a few tricks to make the process go smoothly, and a few other options that may matter 

Almond Butter vs. Peanut Butter: Which is Healthier?

Almond Butter vs. Peanut Butter: Which is Healthier?

If you’re anything like me, almond butter and peanut butter are staples for an easy breakfast or quick snack. I use them to top my oatmeal, or sometimes eat a spoonful with chocolate chips for a treat. While nut butters are delicious, they’re often a 

How Long to Boil Broccoli for Perfect Results

How Long to Boil Broccoli for Perfect Results

Fresh and al dente broccoli is great for a healthy side dish for any meal. No one likes soggy and overcooked broccoli! Use this recipe and learn how to get the perfect texture for broccoli when boiling. If you have a steamer and don’t mind 

How to Steam Broccoli for the Best Results

How to Steam Broccoli for the Best Results

Steaming is a great way to cook broccoli because it can be more gentle than boiling broccoli. Steaming gives you a little more wiggle room to not miss the perfect doneness since it takes a few extra minutes from start to finish. Of course it 

How to Ripen Bananas Faster

How to Ripen Bananas Faster

You’re at the grocery store browsing the produce. Stopping at the bananas, you realize they’re all either bright green or slightly bruised. You can’t use either right away — sound familiar? Learning how to ripen bananas is a useful trick whether you want to eat 

How to Freeze Peppers

How to Freeze Peppers

Spicy, sweet, mild — peppers of all kinds are a staple to have on hand. However, if you buy a big pack or grow more peppers than you know what to do with, you may be wondering if you can freeze peppers. The answer is 

Scallions vs. Chives vs. Green Onions: What’s the Difference?

Scallions vs. Chives vs. Green Onions: What’s the Difference?

Sprinkle scallions or chives on a dish, and it immediately becomes more flavorful. Scallions are one of my favorite garnishes for nearly any dish, from salads to tacos. But when you’re in the produce section trying to choose between scallions vs. chives, you may be 

8 Broth Substitutes You May Have in Your Cupboard

8 Broth Substitutes You May Have in Your Cupboard

I always have few staple canned goods on hand, but when a recipe calls for broth I often find myself reaching into my pantry only to come back emptyhanded.  I used to substitute water for broth and call it a day, until I realized how 

How to Freeze Bananas

How to Freeze Bananas

Bananas can ripen to mush before you’ve had time to eat the entire bunch. But bananas are one of the fruits that freeze really well and are great to have on hand for smoothies, baking or snacks.